Oxford/Pirbright B cell meeting November 2023

In November, the second Oxford/Pirbright B cell meeting of 2023 was held at The Pirbright Institute in Surrey. The meeting included talks on germinal centre formation in SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, antibody responses to human and veterinary infections, and the development of models and reagents for evaluating B cell responses in cattle and pigs, as well as tours of some of The Pirbright Institute facilities less familiar to those based in Oxford.  The event was very well attended with researchers from both Oxford and Pirbright, with numbers boosted further by a strong turn out from the Draper Lab (Fran, Ana, Temea, Anna, Morgan, Barney, Sarah, Mimi and Wendy!).


Whilst Carolyn was on leave, the Oxford/Pirbright B cell Group meeting organisation was covered by a newly expanded team of Fran and Ana from the Draper Lab, along with Marie Di Placido, Jane Edwards, Rory Fortes Di Brito and Selma Schmidt of The Pirbright Institute.


The next meeting will be held in Oxford on the 3rd of June 2024.  If you are affiliated with either the University of Oxford or The Pirbright Institute and are interested in joining this B cell network, please get in touch with Carolyn directly to be added to the mailing list: carolyn.nielsen@bioch.ox.ac.uk.