A new malaria review article

In our latest review article Rob Ragotte reviews the latest research on the RH5-CyRPA-Ripr Complex as a malaria vaccine target. The take home points are:

The antigens PfRH5, PfCyRPA, and PfRipr can induce strain-transcendent neutralizing antibodies, and all three targets are essential and highly conserved.

PfRH5, PfCyRPA, and PfRipr form a stable complex (RCR) that is involved in the induction of an erythrocytic calcium spike during merozoite invasion.

Passive transfer of anti-CyRPA and anti-PfRH5 antibodies can protect against blood-stage P. falciparum in animal models.

Structural studies have mapped out the first known critical inhibitory epitopes on PfRH5 and PfCyRPA which can be used for next-generation vaccine design.

Early results from the first PfRH5 vaccine clinical trials have been reported with more anticipated soon, which will help guide the development of RCR-based vaccines.
