Over the years, we have established an important network of national and international collaborations both in academia and with industrial partners. We believe collaborative research is central to maximising impact of our scientific efforts, and we build strong and lasting relations with our collaborators and partners, some of which are listed below.
- Prof Adrian Hill (University of Oxford - Jenner Institute)
- Prof Sumi Biswas (University of Oxford - Jenner Institute)
- Prof Mark Howarth (University of Oxford - Department of Biochemistry)
- Prof Matt Higgins (University of Oxford - Department of Biochemistry)
- Prof Alain Townsend (University of Oxford - WIMM)
- Prof Hal Drakesmith (University of Oxford - WIMM)
- Dr Ally Olotu (Ifakara Health Institute, Tanzania)
- Prof Richard Pleass (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK)
- Prof Robert Moon (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK)
- Dr Carole Long (LMVR, NIAID/NIH, USA)
- Dr Robert Seder (VRC, NIAID/NIH, USA)
- Dr Chetan Chitnis (Pasteur Institute, France)
- Dr Philip Spence (University of Edinburgh, UK)
- Prof Julian Rayner (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Dr Jetsumon Sattabongkot (Mahidol University, Thailand)
- Dr Galit Alter (Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard, USA)
- Dr Brandon Wilder (OHSU, USA)
- Dr Anne Moore (UCC, Ireland)
- Dr Greg Ippolito (University Texas Austin, USA)
- ExpreS2ion Biotechnologies
- GenIbet
- Vaccine Formulation Institute
- Serum Institute of India
- Novavax
- European Vaccine Initiative