Spring 2023 Oxford/Pirbright B cell meeting

Simon, Sarah, Lloyd, Barney, Susanne, Fran and Carolyn attended the Spring 2023 Oxford/Pirbright B cell meeting hosted in our very own Department of Biochemistry on 19 April 2023. The meeting included selected talks on plasma cell differentiation, germinal centre organoids and approaches to BCR sequencing, as well as discussion sessions on the roles of extrafollicular responses and BCR clonality analyses in tracking primary vs secondary responses. At the lunchtime poster session, Carolyn presented her poster entitled “Delayed booster dosing enhances circulating and bone marrow-resident human B cell responses to blood-stage malaria vaccine antigens”. This is based on data from the VAC071/ VAC079/ VAC080 clinical trials and is linked to the Barrett et al. paper recently posted to medRXiv: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.03.17.23287040v1  

Carolyn also chaired the meeting as the current lead of the Oxford/ Pirbright B cell Group – if you are affiliated with either the University of Oxford or the Pirbright Institute and are interesting in joining this B cell network, please get in touch with her directly to be added to the mailing list: carolyn.nielsen@bioch.ox.ac.uk. Organisational support for the meeting also came from Fran, Florence McLean (Oxford Vaccine Centre), the Department of Biochemistry, and Twist Bioscience (for sponsoring lunch).


spring 2023 b cell meeting