In June 2024, Angela, Jo, Andrew, Barney and Fran attended the UK Clinical Vaccine Network Annual Conference in Birmingham, UK. This multi-disciplinary conference aims to bring together the UK’s clinical vaccine community in order to facilitate co-operation and collaboration in clinical vaccinology.
Barney presented a poster on his recent paper published in Nat Commun on the R78C vaccine candidate, now in Phase 1 clinical trials, and Angela gave a presentation entitled “Road to a next-generation high-efficacy vaccine for P. falciparum malaria”. It was fantastic to catch-up with collaborators and colleagues from around the UK, and to see this national network growing from strength to strength.
CVNUK Steering Committee:
(L->R) Andrea Collins, Catherine Cosgrove, Ruth Payne, Rebecca Sutherland, Tom Darton,
Chris Green, Claire Waddington, Angela Minassian, Rajeka Lazarus, Katrina Pollock, Maheshi Ramasamy