Draper Group members attend UK Clinical Vaccine Network Annual Conference in Birmingham

In June 2024, Angela, Jo, Andrew, Barney and Fran attended the UK Clinical Vaccine Network Annual Conference in Birmingham, UK. This multi-disciplinary conference aims to bring together the UK’s clinical vaccine community in order to facilitate co-operation and collaboration in clinical vaccinology.

Barney presented a poster on his recent paper published in Nat Commun on the R78C vaccine candidate, now in Phase 1 clinical trials, and Angela gave a presentation entitled “Road to a next-generation high-efficacy vaccine for P. falciparum malaria”. It was fantastic to catch-up with collaborators and colleagues from around the UK, and to see this national network growing from strength to strength.


cvnuk steering committee














CVNUK Steering Committee:

(L->R) Andrea Collins, Catherine Cosgrove, Ruth Payne, Rebecca Sutherland, Tom Darton,

Chris Green, Claire Waddington, Angela Minassian, Rajeka Lazarus, Katrina Pollock, Maheshi Ramasamy


ukcvn 2024 session 7