In late May, Simon and Angela attended the Gordon Research Conference on Malaria, held in Barcelona, Spain and entitled “Reinvigorating Malaria Control, Prevention and Treatment: From Bench to Bedside to Bednets”.
The Malaria GRC is a premier, international scientific conference focused on advancing the frontiers of science through the presentation of cutting-edge and unpublished research, prioritising time for discussion after each talk and fostering informal interactions among scientists of all career stages. It is a highlight of the malaria community’s conference calendar!
Simon presented a talk in the session on Vaccine-Mediated Immunity, chaired by Dr Ashley Birkett (PATH, USA), and entitled “Timing Is ... Well, Not Everything, But is Important!”. Aside from this, it was a fantastic opportunity to catch up with collaborators and colleagues from around the world, and to enjoy some welcome Spanish sunshine! We would also like to thank the organisers and meeting Chair, Terrie Taylor, and Co-Chair, Faith Osier, who put in an extraordinary amount of work on behalf of the malaria community to make the conference happen.